Pyro Jinja®
Kiyoshi Bam!™ | 14 Shot Large Cake - (8/1) Box Kit™
Product Overview
Have an amazing pyrotechnic experience with Kiyoshi Bam!™ This large cake features straight up shooting to V and W shapes, with a variety of effects including brocade with red and silver strobe, red and green crackling balls, and red and purple palm trees with crackling. Don't miss out on this unforgettable addition to your celebration.
Fulfillment Stock Estimate
Type: Large Heavy Cake
Brand: Pyro Jinja
Shots: 14
Grams: ~350
Height: ~130 ft
Duration: ~30 sec.
Size: 8-7/8" W x 7-7/8" D x 8-1/4" H
Wholesale Information
Case Pack: 8/1
Case Weight: N/A
SKU: EF521265
CBM: .087
Product Details
- ✅ We Ship: Box Kits™, Prime Pallets™.
- ❌ We Don't Ship: Units, Sleeves, Bricks, Bundles.
Box Kit™ Performance Report
Color Display

Pyrotechnic Effects

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